Then i stumbled across Workflowy ( obvs). I see this thread is all about outlining (and drafts of course) so, as i’ve been on this same path for several YEARS (yikes!), possibly decades… I might give Omni Outliner a try, thanks! I get caught between apps too, like you are with notes. I’m sure most Drafts users are far more advanced in their usage, but like you, I enjoy trying out lots of different apps & learning their finer points.

It’s also good for journal entries, because of it’s nice black background I wouldn’t use it, otherwise. I find it difficult to reply to forum threads online while on my iPhone, so most of this reply was written in Drafts. Copy, paste as a reply then format the text I’ve added (so it looks different than theirs) & send. if I’m replying to a friend, I paste the original in Drafts, and reply paragraph by paragraph. using the copy button on the Drafts keyboard, opening the email & pasting my reply, You’re right, I can only avoid my inbox by initiating emails in & sending from Drafts. (I’ve only just set up my menu options in prefs.) The colored text in COP is helpful for me, but lack of image support calls for a separate notes app & no url scheme integration causes me to wander & occasionally, stray. I’ve noticed that when I use Drafts, I have much less editing to do when I’m ready to send, than when writing in my outliner, journal or notes apps.

I use Drafts specifically for drafting & sending emails & texts on a black background, without being distracted by the sight of my email inbox, a to do list or notes. I may be premature in answering this, but I don’t think Drafts (or any other app) could serve as a replacement for an outliner, at least in my case, where the outliner is used heavily throughout the day, and Drafts has the benefit of being a quiet place to write. I’ve needed an outliner since first having one, about 20 years ago. To answer your questions, I also use Cloud Outliner Pro.

I’m not nearly as technical as Drafts 5 allows, but I hope to learn more with time.